Holiday Giveaway!
I am so grateful for all my readers, so I thought I would do my first ever giveaway!...
2min DIY Stockings Under $5
I LOVE the holidays, especially being able to redecorate every inch of my home and office!...
Explore a Little...
This past weekend, I was in New York and my friend said something that really stuck with me. “Sometimes I get so consumed by school that I forget to explore”
Living in LaLaLand
LIFE UPDATE - I can't believe it's been 2 months since I've last blogged...
20 Lessons I've Learned in my 20 Years
It's hard to believe that I'm in my "twenties". The last two decades have flown by...
Feminist Fight Club
Feminist Fight Club by Jessica Bennet is a must read for every women out there...
Update: Where Have I Been?!
It's been such a long time since I have posted and I just wanted to write a short post to update you guys about my life and all the fun things I have in store for this blog!...
Freshmen Year Reflections
Freshmen year flew by! It was exciting, stressful, and I wouldn't have changed it in any way. For all the high school graduates, you're going to be in for a treat! Here are a few things that I learned during my first year in college and some tips to prepare you for next year! ...